A-Reece and his older brother, Jay Jody made an impression in the game last year when they released a collaborative album heaveN caN waiT: thE narroW dooR voL. The two have since collaborated on other projects, but this one holds a special place in their hearts because it is dedicated to their late father.
In celebration of the album’s 1 year anniversary, Jay Jody took to Instagram and labelled the album a classic project as he dedicate to their late father. “enougH timE haS passeD … thiS iS a classiC collaB albuM. 🤲🏾 To our father … I hope we made you proud. 💙Happy 1 Year Anniversary, heaveN caN waiT: thE narroW dooR voL. 1,” Wrote Jay Jody. Responding to his older brother’s post, A-Reece posted a slew of heart emojis.
This comes against the backdrop of the struggles that they endured during their time at Ambitiouz Entertainment and their goal is to sanitize the well-being of artists at record labels. “I feel like we as Revenge Club Records wanna inspire up-and-coming artists to wanna create their own record label as been as opposed to being inspired to just wanna be an artist at Revenge Club. We want to inspire people to think bigger than that and think to themselves and say you know what I can do what they did because that is what we told ourselves and here we are now.” He said.