
‘Hoping For Justice One Day’: Anele ‘Nelli’ Tembe Remembered

It’s been two years since Anele “Nelli” Tembe died, and gender-based violence (GBV) activists Women For Change are still yearning for justice. The late rapper AKA’s fiancee, Kiernan Forbes, allegedly leaped to her death from the tenth storey of a Cape Town hotel on April 10, 2021.

However, Nelli’s death has been clouded with doubt as her family expressed doubts about what transpired. The Tembe family reportedly filed a complaint with the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) alleging that the latter neglected to pursue anyone, specifically Forbes, following her death in 2021.

The Tembes are also suing the NPA after claiming that state prosecutors failed to reveal a police docket elating to Nelli’s death.

Nelli’s death anniversary also marks two months and one day after AKA was shot and killed in a hit in Durban.

In an Instagram post, the GBV organisation shared a touching video tribute to Nelli Tembe.

They captioned the clip: “Today, we remember the beautiful Anele ‘Nelli’ Tembe, who allegedly ‘fell’ from the 10th floor of a hotel in Cape Town and died.

“We will never find out what really happened on the morning of 11 April 2021… but we think of you, hoping that justice will be served one day and that you dance with the other angels. Our thoughts are with the Tembe family and Nellie’s friends. Rest in Power, Queen”.

In a letter addressed to the NPA, Nelli Tembe’s family expressed their doubts over AKA’s claims of what transpired the day she fell to her death.

This includes allegations that:

  • AKA “threw or pushed” Nelli off the balcony
  • Evidence AKA allegedly assaulted Nelli
  • Evidence that Nelli did not climb over the balcony as initially suggested
  • Police ignored a statement by a hotel room guest


The letter also alluded to what transpired after Nelli Tembe’s fatal fall.

This includes allegations that AKA:

  • Partied and drank AFTER her death
  • AKA IGNORED Nelli, who was still alive for 20 minutes after the fall
  • He cleaned up the blood, possibly concealing an altercation.
  • Made a call to reception for assistance AFTER her fall
  • His phone was used to call an ‘underworld family’ instead of emergency services

Under Women For Change’s post, the reactions from the public were mixed.

While some urged the GBV organisation to let the couple – particularly AKA “rest in peace,” others expressed their sadness and even frustration at the justice system.

@Carmajade: “Now the police are doing everything they can to find his murderers. Never mind that he was a murderer. Her life just didn’t matter.

@lilith_rnd: “People must just come out and say it was never their intention to believe victims. Misogyny is one hell of a drug because, no matter the circumstances, violent men will always be shielded by these people. I wish more perpetrators would face the same fate their victims faced.”

@balukasusan: “Nevermind that he eventually admitted to ’emotionally abusing her at times,’ during an interview he did on the Sobering Podcast. AKA was definitely a trigger that easily turned her emotional fragility into suicide ideations. Overall, just as some people say he is innocent because of her prior suicide attempts, it can easily be said that he is guilty because of his prior fits of rage during their fights”.

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